Chicken and Grape Pasta Salad

My mother passed this recipe for pasta chicken salad on to me. It's a cold salad that's perfect for summer gatherings. It's also an excellent use of leftover chicken and turkey.
Submitted by: Jennifer from Chicago, IL
Yield: 4-6 servings
Preparation Instructions:
- Cook pasta, and chicken (or turkey). Cool and chill.
- Mix salad dressing and Cool Whip.
- Toss the pasta, chicken, grapes, nuts, celery and onion together in a large bowl.
- Add the salad dressing and Cool Whip mixture.
- Toss to coat the salad evenly. Sprinkle the top with paprika.
- Refrigerate until serving time.
More About This Recipe
You can adjust the amount of Miracle Whip and Cool Whip using equal amounts of both. Fat-free and low-fat versions of both are available to bring down the fat and calorie content.
I used green and purple grapes for color,pumpkin seeds for salty crunch! It was wonderful!