Canela Tea

This recipe very simple but good. It is odd because I am not sure what to call it, so instead of calling it 'cinnamon drink' I call it canela tea, sounds more impressive :)
Submitted by: Noah from Lansing, IL
Yield: 2
Preparation Instructions:
- Bring water and cinnamon to a full boil in a 1 quart saucepan.
- Reduce to simmer for 3 to 5 minutes.
- Once the time is up remove the cinnamon sticks (they may be dried and used one more time) pour into mugs add sugar and milk to taste (I suggest warming the milk and using a 2 to 1 ratio of canella tea to milk)
I’m so glad to see the recipe. This has been handed down through the ages of my Mexican familia.
Thank you! I was unsure about how to use my cinnamon quills for tea. You method and proportions are perfect!! :-) Thanks a bunch,
Canela (Cinnamomum verum) has a more inviting sweeter aroma and is used in the air fresheners we buy.
All other more harsher flavored general Cinnamon we get in the stores comes from China and is often called China Cinnamon (Cinnamomum cassia). Whereas the Canela Cinnamon is grown in the lower parts of Florida and the Caribbean. It Cinnamomum verum comes from the bark of a small tree.