Stuffed Pumpkins

Yield: 4 fairly hungry people, or 6-8 less hungry people, depending on size of pumpkins.
Preparation Instructions:
Cut pumpkins in half, scrape out seeds and pulp. Rub all exposed pumpkin flesh with butter.
Dice apple and onion, crumble bread, and chop sage. Combine all ingredients in a large bowl and mix thoroughly, kneading together. Divide into four and fill each pumpkin half. Place filled pumpkins into a baking dish with 1/2 inch water, cover with tin foil, and cook at 375 for 1 hour or until pumpkin flesh is soft and meat is cooked through. Remove from oven, cover with cheese, and serve in shallow bowl as juices may leak when eating.
More About This Recipe
If you have too much filling for your pumpkins, you can make the leftovers into sausage patties.