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Baking Recipes

They say baking is more science than art, but these recipes will have you writing poetry about all the cookies, cakes, scones, and pies you create. Be sure to explore our collection of baking spices for more culinary, or artistic, inspiration.

Cardamom Braid

Cardamom Braid

This recipe was given to Spice House staff by Karolyn Mizell of Lincoln, Nebraska
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Kashmiri Carrot Cake

Kashmiri Carrot Cake

My husband is from Kashmir, a beautiful valley in the western Himalayas. Kashmir is famous for high quality saffron, red peppers, apples, almonds, walnuts, woolens, and its scenic beauty. This...
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Swedish Pound Cake

Swedish Pound Cake

Cardamom and almond extract give this recipe a Swedish flavor profile.
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Scandinavian Rhubarb Cake

Scandinavian Rhubarb Cake

Rhubarb is popular in Norway, used in cooking and eaten raw with sugar. This is a variant of a basic Norwegian recipe.
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Baked French toast for breakfast with bacon

Baked French Toast

This is so easy to set up ahead of time so when entertaining for brunch, there is less work.
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Spice House Gingersnaps

Spice House Gingersnaps

This is the recipe that's available at the Milwaukee Spice House in pre-measured packets, ready for baking!
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Garlic Pepper Cornbread Muffins

Garlic Pepper Cornbread Muffins

These extra savory cornbread muffins are great side for fried chicken or roasted turkey.
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Cheddar Garlic Bread

Cheddar Garlic Bread

There used to be a restaurant in Beaumont, CA called the Rusty Lantern. They served a garlic cheese toast with the salad course that used a dried American cheese product.
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Za'atar Flatbread

Za'atar Flatbread

Nothing is better than warm flatbread, fresh out of the oven. Serve this with a table spread of feta cheese, hummus, and olives. Many grocery stores carry pre-made dough, commonly...
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Sweet Potato Pie Filling

Sweet Potato Pie Filling

Just the filling. Use this sweet potato pie filling recipe to make tarts and pies.
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Taylor Street Garlic & Herb Garlic Bread

Taylor Street Garlic & Herb Garlic Bread

This recipe comes from our Milwaukee store, where staff always talk about using the cheese sprinkle on garlic bread, so here's a recipe for how to do it with The...
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Black Magic Chocolate Cake

Black Magic Chocolate Cake

Ebony, or black, cocoa powder is a very dark colored Dutched cocoa powder. It is available online at baker's supply stores like King Arthur Flour. You can substitute regular Dutched...
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Five Spice Cookies

Five Spice Cookies

I make cookies and snacks for our music rehearsal group each week at my home and always looking for unusual things. It is delicious served with an herbal Lemon/Ginger hot...
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Norwegian Cardamom Bøller

Norwegian Cardamom Bøller

My father makes these every year at Christmas, but they are good all year round. The cardamom smell is intoxicating and they make a fantastic dinner roll.
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If Marcel Proust were alive today, he'd recognize this traditional French Madeline cookie instantly. Although I still use my old-fashioned French Madeline molds, I recommend that you go 21st. Century...
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